
Have you been looking for a chiropractor in Beverly Hills? Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, the chiropractic care offered at Morris Rashtian Chiropractic Corp in Beverly Hills emphasizes the importance of improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Given the option, most people would prefer to be healthy and avoid illness if possible, and chiropractic care can help those people achieve their health and wellness goals. For those patients who may already be in pain, chiropractic care offers a unique way to provide pain relief for many types of pain and conditions, including back pain, neck pain and more! Pain relief and pain prevention are two of the reasons that chiropractic services have become so popular, both here in Beverly Hills and around the world.

It is critical to evaluate the proper set up of your work environment because it is often the cause of most stress injuries, such as carpal tunnel in your wrist.

Because many people spend almost half of all of their waking hours sitting at a desk, it is important that your chair, desk and other equipment help your body maintain good posture and alignment. A healthy work station involves being aware of your seating, keyboard and mouse, computer monitor position and glare, telephone position, feet position, lighting and proper positioning of your work. It is critical to evaluate the proper set up of your work environment because it is often the cause of most repetitive stress injuries.

Things like improper chair position, cradling the phone between your ear and shoulder, or straining your neck to look at your computer monitor is not a big deal every once in a while, but when you do the same repetitive motions for several hours a day, several days a week, several weeks a month and so on, you will find that your body eventually has to give and in many cases will suffer pain, discomfort, poor posture and spinal disc damage. Unfortunately, most people don't correlate these problems to their day-to-day activity because they think it has to be caused by a specific traumatic event. That's just not the case. Check out these articles on what you need to know about proper set up of your work environment.


  • I have benefited tremendously from the chiropractic care I received from Dr. Rashtian.

    - - Alex Parker III / Beverly Hills, CA