8500 Wilshire Blvd. #102, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, US | Direction


Chiropractic Services Offered by Our Beverly Hills Chiropractor

You don't have to wait until you're in moderate to severe pain to see a chiropractor for help. Our Beverly Hills chiropractor, Dr. Morris Rashtian, uses natural techniques that get people relief at any stage of injury, disease, or illness. Our services are fully customizable so you or your loved one can experience a completely unique healing journey. 

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care includes manual and instrument-assisted techniques like spinal adjustments and non-surgical spinal decompression. These services do a lot more than simply realign the spinal joints. They alleviate pressure on pinched nerves or discs, activate pathways in the nervous system to reduce pain, and alleviate tension in the body and mind. 

Corrective Exercises

The right kind of movement and exercises can benefit almost any acute or chronic health condition. Take the guesswork out of finding the right exercises for you by receiving personalized corrective exercises from our Beverly Hills chiropractor. We can prescribe specific movements that will help improve your strength, endurance, range of motion, coordination, posture, or pain relief, whatever you need to help you feel your best.

Lifestyle Advice

The choices you make in your day-to-day life have a cumulative effect on your overall wellness. How you sleep, how you cope with stress, how much outdoor time you get, how much time you spend sitting, and other factors can accelerate (or delay) your healing and injury recovery. Allow our chiropractor in Beverly Hills, CA to help you make simple, practical, and sustainable lifestyle changes that can have a dramatic impact on your short and long-term health. After all, not everything is within our control when it comes to our health and chronic disease risk, but so many things are! Let's optimize the things within our power to change so we all feel and function better. 

Nutritional Counseling

Are you getting the right amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, carbs, and other nutrients? Are you eating foods that are supporting your gut health and metabolism? Do you have any hidden food allergies or sensitivities that could be driving your inflammation and pain? Our chiropractor is here to help you make sense of the often-confusing world of nutrition, so you can maintain a personalized and satisfying diet that will help you lose weight and achieve all your health goals. 

Is Chiropractic Care Right for You?

Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, proven method for alleviating pain and other symptoms associated with back pain, sciatica, neck pain, migraines, arthritis, sports injury, auto accident injury, and more. Call us today at (310) 659-3389 to schedule an appointment with our Beverly Hill chiropractor, Dr. Rashtian.


Have you been looking for a chiropractor in Beverly Hills? Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, the chiropractic care offered at Morris Rashtian Chiropractic Corp in Beverly Hills emphasizes the importance of improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Given the option, most people would prefer to be healthy and avoid illness if possible, and chiropractic care can help those people achieve their health and wellness goals. For those patients who may already be in pain, chiropractic care offers a unique way to provide pain relief for many types of pain and conditions, including back pain, neck pain and more! Pain relief and pain prevention are two of the reasons that chiropractic services have become so popular, both here in Beverly Hills and around the world.

  • I have benefited tremendously from the chiropractic care I received from Dr. Rashtian.

    - - Alex Parker III / Beverly Hills, CA